Delayed Blessing ~ Breakthrough is Coming

 As I interceded tonight the Lord gave me this Word, I know it for some of His people out there. I hope you are blessed.

‘…. All good things come from me.

All good things come through me.

Many cry out “Holy! Holy! Holy!” to my name….

…but they are walking crippled.

Waiting, anticipating.

Asking “Lord, why won’t it come? My breakthrough? The thing I’ve been waiting for?”

Others can say “Wait, God’s timing.”

Many can cry “You can wait, it is good to wait.”

Not from me, says God, Not from me.

My outstretched arm, my crown of glory, the ancient wonders of old performed by my hand- am I not able to give when I choose to give?

Am I not able to release when I can release anything to any nation on any given day?

Can I not strengthen my promise to come to fullness and completion?

I’d give it all to you if you could unblock it…

… if you could unlock it from Heaven’s vaults.

Can you give good things to your children?

How much more can I give to mine?

I can give anything to you.

Can you give anything to me?

All living sacrifice, and all good things you offer to me, they came from me first. I gave them to you first. I ordained them from the beginning.

If you cannot give to me from the meagerness of your own heart, cry to me for wisdom. Ask for me to help.

For I ask of you EVERYTHING!


You have gathered many things in life, your arms are so full of treasures, there is not room for MY treasures.

Positions, items, career, pastimes, relationships, ideologies, christian titles & ministries.

I ask you not to defend yourself, your possessions or your position.

But I ask you to give it all to me.

Let me take what I will take.

Let me give what I will give.

Let me increase what I will increase.

But do not defile my temple with false offerings or fake giving.

This has to be a true giving, a true surrender.

A time of offering form the depth of you soul.

From all that you are, with all that you have to give, give my your offering.

Then I will anoint it.

Give back to me, and I will give back to you, refined, polished.

Refashioned, remodeled.

For my people.

For my purpose. A reconditioned engine that will keep going ahead.

I will anoint it, I will refashion it, I will even give it a new name.

I will even give you a new anointing.

Even a travel opening, and an anointing greater that I have gifted you ever before.

Go now and give your offering unto me. In a quiet place, come.

I am speaking to many of you, asking of you this thing.

You have stood afar, now I ask you to come forward.

I ask you to come back to me in full.

Forgive past gripes.

Remember your first love.

Become available for me, in my hand, for my purpose.

I’ll give you back what the locusts have taken.

I will release what the canker worm has eaten.

I’ll unlock secrets, blessings and fleeces that have been thrown out will be answered by me.

My light will become known to you.

My love will begin to bring forth such fullness and fruit in your surroundings.

If you’ll give it all to me, I’ll give it all to you.

All that you’ve been waiting for, all that you’ve been longing for. All that you’ve been asking about.

I am a giving God, I am a giving God.


[At this point I saw a picture of a pipeline and the devil was blocking it, there were many presents stuck in the pipe]

Satan is holding up and delaying- blessings, healings, potential marriages, anointings, destinies, words to be released for overcoming, ministries to be birthed.

Satan is blocking them.


He has a right to.

He has a legal right to hold and block some things.

He has been given a loophole to test and he is using it.

How can this be?

Generational sins of our forbears and the past.

The sins of your land’s founders.

Our personal sins.

Hidden sins.

Fear, doubt.

A host of concerns that cry out day and night blocking the way to hearing from God.


“Give forth to me a cry of repentance.

Ashes and sackcloth!

Ask for my Holy Judgment against the darkness in your life.

I will bring exposure and it will be brought to a quick end.

I will cleanse you out and you will give new utterance.

A new song to outlast any fear.

A new joy to outstay any sorrow.

A laughter that will drown any cry.

A hope to come & stand in the place of doubt.

A beginning that outweighs any days of old.

I am growing a commitment inside you that will out give anything you’ve asked for.

You will give with weighted giving.

My favour will overshadow anything that is given to me.

So go forth with joy- give to me your giftings, hopes, ideas, songs, ministries. Your desires.

All good things come from God and all things are from His hand.

He gives all good things and He loves to give good things to His children.”

The Bridegroom Is Coming


As I slept some nights ago in the middle of Australia on the Nullabor, I began to hear voice speaking to one another. 

These voices were in the Heavenly realms, I believe they were of the Cloud of Witnesses.

I heard these voices speak with such anticipation. One after another they were saying the same thing. They spoke as those at a wedding waiting with breath held tight for the moment the Bridegroom and bride come face to face. 

The words were so clear, from many voices-

‘The Bridegroom is coming. He is so close. 

He is coming for His bride.

He is so eager for His bride He doesn’t care for the ceremonies or the legal process. 

He wants the bride in His bridal chambers.

He wants intimacy.

He is not concerned for the ceremonies.

He wants to know His bride intimately.’

I saw a Bridegroom grabbing His bride and taking her with great haste into the bridal chambers.

The feast would take place afterwards, the groom wanted intimacy first.

THIS IS THE ERA OF THE BRIDE- prepare your lamps, prepare your garments.

I heard the voices then cry and say

‘The veil is torn! The veil is torn!’

The Holy Spirit then came close and spoke

‘Intimacy and closeness with Jesus will be easier than it has ever been before.

The veil has been torn and as the Bridegroom is approaching His bride she will see that knowing Him is going to be so simple, like never before.’

As I woke and sat with these words spoken, the Lord gave me revelation of the earthly outworkings.

He is not worried about our formalities and ceremonies, Jesus wants intimacy with His bride.

He is not coming to participate and admire our services or structures, He is so fiercely after His bride’s full heart and devotion.

He wants us to come into the bridal chambers of intimacy. And it is going to be easier than ever before for those who seek Him intimately to be in His presence.

The veil had been torn, and those who have not yet surrendered their lives to Him are going to find it easier that ever to see His face and the truth of the love, and the promise that lay within His embrace.

The lost will meet Him so simply and effortlessly.

This is the time of Courtship as our wedding feast comes closer.

The time is so near, Jesus our Bridegroom is on His way.