During a time with the Lord- His presence of God was so thick- my ears were ringing with the stillness of the air and I felt like I had left the earth.

I felt the clouds of heaven come down around me and I saw into the heavens.

This is part III of this word- to see Part II click here.



I saw foot soldiers of Jesus going out into the world to save the lost and proclaim the gospel. They were a John the Baptist generation who were under the spirit of Elijah. Their cry was the same “Prepare the way of the Lord.” I saw them running out into the world to do the work of the Gospel, none was concerned for their own life or safety. Their eyes were fixed on the prize and they were running the race with furious zeal and fire. I heard the Lord say “Once it was said that those who serve Allah were radical extremists, but now it will be said among the earth that it is those who serve Jesus that are the extremists, they will be my radical ones, even unto death.”


I saw the prophetic vessels of Jesus standing under a waterfall. The waters were flowing from the throne room of God, through the Kingdom and down unto the earth. His prophetic vessels were standing under the waterfall, receiving the water and then speaking it out over people and places. I saw the prophetic words being spoken bringing healing, cleansing and deliverance to many people. A word spoken was like a blast of water that washed people and they were instantly cleaned. I heard the Lord say “These waters will cleanse lepers. Spiritual lepers are those who have shame that has separated them from the kingdom and from families. I am going to use my prophetic people to blast the shame off of them and they will be clean.” The Lord brought to my mind immediately those who have become outcast from churches and families because of addictions and sexual sin. He is going to bring them home, many will be delivered by just one prophetic declaration over them.
The river that flowed from His throne room down to the earth made a river in the earth. God’s people would come and drink from the prophetic river. I saw people coming and setting up deck chairs, reclining by the river’s edge. They drank when they were thirsty but became fat and spent their days slumbering in the sun by the refreshing river of the prophetic. I heard Gods voice “Get up!! WAKE UP!! I have not given you this river so you can drink and grow lazy. I have not provided you with drink so you can fill up yourselves with the goodness of the prophetic.” I saw God removing mindsets of just camping and drinking by the river of the prophetic and He began to instruct people how to plant and grow oasises by the river for many to come to be fed, sheltered and watered. The prophetic flow is not for our own comfort, to drink and become lazy, we are to drink and plant and build a place of refuge for those who are dry and thirsty- those who are dying in the desert lands.
Cat Threadgold 5.2.2019

The Time of Man & The Days to Come- Part II

During a time with the Lord- His presence of God was so thick- my ears were ringing with the stillness of the air and I felt like I had left the earth.

I felt the clouds of heaven come down around me and I saw into the heavens.

This is part II of this word- to see Part I click here.



As the power of God was manifesting through this Kingdom I saw many in the church who were sitting at tables in a dull eating hall. They were eating from the bowls that were in front of them. Many seemed depressed, discouraged and disempowered. They were not filled with the things of God, and looked weak. The Lord brought the scripture to my mind-
“…This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.
 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy,
 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God;
Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.” 2 Timothy 3:1-5
These people looked up and saw the power of God moving in the rising Kingdom and they began to spit out dry, tasteless flakes they had been eating. I saw them running into the throne room of God and they began to guzzle down the new wine that was at the altar. These ones were so thirsty, the wine was running all over them staining their clothes red. They became filled, and strengthen and joined the ranks that were being led by the Generals of God. They were refreshed and renewed by the new wine, which was both an outpouring of God’s Spirit and the cleansing blood of Jesus that washed them from the old works.


I saw many new breed sons and daughters transforming into jets. Either side of them were two walls- one was the world, and one was the mainstream church. The walls both looked the same. I saw these new breed jets begin to take off. And I heard the Lord say “They didn’t fit into the mainstream but they are being pulled into MY slipstream.”
The jets took off and got caught into the slip stream of the Holy Ghost and were being pulled across the globe to all different nations where they spread the gospel, healed the sick, cast out devils, rose the dead and made disciples. I saw great work across the planet. I saw the world from heavens’ eye view and there were little sparking lights going off all around the globe. These lights were salvations, Kingdom births and all of Heaven was delighting in the new births that were taking place. The whole world was sparkling with the lights of new vessels.


I saw cattle stations being set up by pioneers around the world to tend, feed, water and train the new converts. Like cattle ranches in wilderness places that were specifically designed to cleanse new converts from the world they were in and train them into foot soldiers for Jesus. I saw them go out into the world and take down the darkness. They began to bring other converts back to the ranches to be fed and watered and healed. The amazing and beautiful thing was that Jesus’ footmen were often finding wounded enemies who had tried to harm them or kill them under the influence of satan. But they began to pick them up and bring them back to the ranches to be healed and cared for. It was amazing grace and levels of new mercy manifesting through earthly vessels.
Cat Threadgold 5.2.2019
To see Part III of this prophetic word/vision click here.

The Time of Man & The Days to Come- Part I

During a time with the Lord- His presence of God was so thick- my ears were ringing with the stillness of the air and I felt like I had left the earth.

I felt the clouds of heaven come down around me and I saw into the heavens.


I saw a Kingdom rising that could only be seen with spiritual eyes but this Kingdom was dictating and instructing the things of the world. The earth was darkening as this pure white majestic Kingdom rose. There were Generals, councils and government assembling, and as they decreed and spoke even lightning and thunder were realised over the earth.
I saw an arena filled with all people from all different tribes and nations seated at desks, different consulates and chiefs, but all had a desk sign in front of them that said ‘Kingdom of Heaven’.
Many wore white sashes with golden tassels, on the sashes was written in blood- ‘Ambassador of Heaven.’ I heard the Lord say “I forming a United Nations of Heaven” to release my precepts and commands throughout the earth. They will form a godly council and lead my people on the road straight and narrow. I will rain down Holy fire on the powers that war against them, and release mandates, blueprints and war strategies to overthrow the works of the evil one, they will even instruct the weather patterns to intercept the works of darkness. Because I have heard the groaning of my chosen ones against the darkness of the earth I am forming this godly Council- the UN of Heaven.”
There were some already prominent Generals and leaders of the faith leading the proceedings, the were two women Apostles.


The Lord then drew my attention to a rushing river. I was in the river and I could feel the pull and hear the roaring rumble of the imminent waterfall ahead. I could the see the river from beginning to end, the river was the age of man- it started in the Garden of Eden and mankind were now at the end precariously racing toward the end of the river. As I saw humanity rushing furiously toward the waterfall the Son of Man appeared in the clouds- His light was bright and His sword was giant and mighty. There were two destinations that I could see- many went over the edge to destruction , but some were lifted upwards toward Jesus. The light of His presence lifted them.
I felt such an urgency to do the work of God as the we were being swept so quickly toward the waterfall. I began to throw out life preservers to those around me and because of this many came up to the Lord. The Lord was impressing on my heart that this is the most urgent work of the Kingdom now, to be furiously throwing the Gospel out to the world, so none would perish.


As mankind was swept over the waterfalls edge I saw the White Kingdom that had risen in the time of dark, the United Nations of Heaven, moving toward Jesus. This government joined with Him and was established with Him through the 1000 year reign. I heard the Lord say- “Those who rose to govern in this Godly council will continue in their places through the thousand reign.” He showed me that as we crossed to eternity that many would be placed in governmental positions in the new worlds because they had risen to be counted in the Kingdom through the last days of the world. It was a crossing over of a Kingdom that had already been established, and was already reigning in the power, authority and holiness of God. It was a marrying and a meeting of the Bride and her Groom. The Kingdom that manifested here on earth was not dismantled, but carried over into the time of Jesus’ reign.
For Part II of this prophetic vision & word click here.
Cat Threadgold 5.2.2019