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My Testimony

The Power of Inner Healing

There are several benefits to seeking Christian inner healing and healing your heart wounds through prayer led by the Holy Spirit.

This prayer is both beneficial when done as an individual with Jesus, and with people in the Body of Christ who have been trained and called to do this ministry. Using the Bible & affirming truths with scripture are an important part of this process.

In my experience, Jesus delivered me in a moment from addictions, bondage, depression & suicide. It might be viewed as instant, however, not every battle in my life was like this.

The underlying issues, or wounds, in my soul that caused me to turn to addiction had to be healed. As I began to pray for God to help me heal these wounds, I was led to many different answers- sometimes it was just sitting in His presence, allowing Him to speak to me. Other times it was repeating His Word over myself. I also watched many teachings about healing and identity and also fasted to see God’s power work inside of my heart & mind.

Then there were other times when God used people to help me heal. Sometimes they were Pastors, or spiritual mentors/ mothers/ fathers. There have been prophetic vessels that have spoken a word and it changed me, and there were people anointed for deliverance who laid hands on me and darkness fled.

I’ve seen therapists, which I highly recommend, if you can find the right one. It’s a safe place to be able speak about whatever you need to speak about and know that is it not going to go any further, while being given new tools & weapons to use on this earth-bound sojourn.

However, from early on in my walk as a Holy Spirit-filled Christian I came across a ministry in my city who was trained in something called ‘Inner Healing.’ And from my first session I was convinced that this was both a powerful & effective gift that God had provided.

There are many benefits to inner healing-

  1. Emotional & spiritual healing: Christian inner healing focuses on addressing the root cause of emotional pain & trauma. Through prayer, the Word of God (The Bible), & a relationship with Jesus, father & the Holy Spirit, individuals can experience deep healing & restoration in their hearts & minds.
  2. Forgiveness, repentance & reconciliation: Christianity at its core is the story of forgiveness, repentance and reconciliation. Through inner healing individuals can learn to forgive themselves & others, leading to freedom from bitterness, resentment & anger- all of which rob peace, joy and even our physical health.
  3. Renewed identity & purpose: Inner healing can help individuals discover their true identity in Christ and understand their purpose in life. This can bring a sense of clarity, direction & fulfillment.
  4. Strengthened faith: Engaging in Christian inner healing prayer can deepen one’s belief &trust in God, and His good plans for them. As we experience His healing power in our lives, our faith is strengthened, and we develop a closer relationship with Him, and we are also able to believe for God to heal others.

It’s important to note that while Christian inner healing can be a powerful tool for personal growth and healing, it is also beneficial to seek professional help when dealing with deep emotional wounds or trauma.

Another important aspect to inner healing is to find people who are able to minister to you in this way who are trained, accountable to healthy leadership, who are mature and whole in themselves, and it is always best if you can find someone who comes recommended by someone who you trust.

Below are two lists I have compiled to assist you in further learning, and/or receiving inner healing ministry.

The first list has links to teachings and resources that will help explain more what Inner Healing is. There are also some links to ministries you can pray along to online in your own home. Jesus hears your prayers and sees your heart.

If you truly want to be free, and you call on Him sincerely, He will make a way for you. It’s in His heart to see you heal much more than we even want it for ourselves.

The second list will contain a few links to ministries that I can personally recommend as being not only helpful, but beneficial for inner healing.


Restoring The Foundations International – YouTube


What is Sozo? Basic Sozo Training (youtube.com)



Prophetic Healing- What it is- Mining the Truth


Derek Prince- Healing for Wounded Soldiers Series (about healing the soul)

As you browse through these pages you will find story after story of God’s faithfulness. His ability to take what is utterly broken & torn and make it into something worthy of praise, & beautiful.

My heart’s deep desire is to build altars of remembrance over the great things God has done and to inspire others on this Earth-ward sojourn to learn about the unmatched love Jesus has, His inability to be unfaithful to us, and to see, from that place of understanding&, who we truly are as His Beloved, & His Victorious people.

I’ve shared a little about my journey so far here.

In the [Texan] summer of 2023, I felt the Lord call me to finally write a book, telling of His mighty hand of deliverance & His ever-chasing-me-down love. ‘Beauty for Ashes’ is a glimpse into the many struggles, traumas & bondages that I experienced, & how Jesus came in as The Mighty One, to rescue me when I could barely cry for help. My book is available to here. 

I highly recommend it for those who need a reason to believe for the impossible, & particularly those who are in addiction, or who are praying for loved ones who are.

By the mercy & wonder of God, I was contacted by a friend I hadn’t seen since my early teens. She shared with me over social media that after a 7-year addiction with heavy drugs, she had read my story in a Christian newspaper, prayed to Jesus to set her free, and was delivered right there and then from addiction.

I am convinced that He will do it again!…

… and again and again.

It is purely & simply just who King Jesus is.

In my posts you it is likely that you will quickly find a that I have a strong leaning toward the prophetic. It is just who I am, and who I have always been- a simple human who hears God’s voice. The ability to hear Him started when I was 4 years old, the night I invited Jesus into my heart. He showed me His face, His love & His warmth, & I heard His voice, as a child, and He has never stopped speaking to me, even when I was bound in darkness & sin. He still spoke to me, & I am without any shadow of doubt, alive today because His voice remained faithful when I could not.

Having studied as a dietitian, I have a passion for healthy & nourishing foods. You can see some of my creations on Instagram at Blest Foods Co.

And I’ll share my journey of going through healing, & regaining health & fitness after having 8 babies in my husband Stuart’s my first 9 years of marriage.

Being the mama of nine incredible people, I’ve also come up with systems and found ideas that have helped me with what I call ‘the ministry of the home.’

The thing about ministry is, it gets messy even when it is rewarding, so I felt it was a highly suitable name for the service of being a keeper of the home.

‘…Where no oxen are, the manager is clean, but much increase comes from the strength of the ox…” Proverbs 14:4

I’ve found this verse applies to both ministry & home…

I also have an Instagram page devoted to the things of the home – The Blest Home Co- which you can view here.

There are some links amongst my posts that to resources & ministries that I personally recommend, and there will be regular YouTube content uploaded, where I will share prophetically, sometimes ministering, along with cooking demonstrations, interviews, home management hacks & whatever else I’m feeling inspired to share… within reason.

My husband of 16 years, Stuart, & myself are also entrepreneurial folk, & have several enterprises, a few in the pipelines, with our main focus currently being our family business- Threadgold Architecture & Construction, focusing on solar passive & energy efficient housing & commercial solutions with bases in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii & Dallas. You can see our website here.

As you read you will find snippets of stories about the God who parted the Red Sea moving us from Australia to the US of A during lockdowns & assisting us as we travelled to Canada and back twice from Texas to secure our visas- by car! And the journey of grief that God brought me through after losing my nan, younger brother and precious mum within the first 6 months of being in the U.S. Only Jesus has the balm for such wounds.

I pray that this space will become a home of rich fellowship and soul blessing for you. I’m so glad you are here, & I would love to see your comments & messages brightening up the place.

Please reach out & connect with me on my social media accounts, and you feel you’d like to send me a prayer request or have me speak & minster at your group please contact me here.

You are a treasure to me and to the Lord. Thanks for walking this journey with me.
