As you browse through these pages you will find story after story of God’s faithfulness. His ability to take what is utterly broken & torn and make it into something worthy of praise, & beautiful.

My heart’s deep desire is to build altars of remembrance over the great things God has done and to inspire others on this Earth-ward sojourn to learn about the unmatched love Jesus has, His inability to be unfaithful to us, and to see, from that place of understanding&, who we truly are as His Beloved, & His Victorious people.

I’ve shared a little about my journey so far here.

In the [Texan] summer of 2023, I felt the Lord call me to finally write a book, telling of His mighty hand of deliverance & His ever-chasing-me-down love. ‘Beauty for Ashes’ is a glimpse into the many struggles, traumas & bondages that I experienced, & how Jesus came in as The Mighty One, to rescue me when I could barely cry for help. My book is available to here. 

I highly recommend it for those who need a reason to believe for the impossible, & particularly those who are in addiction, or who are praying for loved ones who are.

By the mercy & wonder of God, I was contacted by a friend I hadn’t seen since my early teens. She shared with me over social media that after a 7-year addiction with heavy drugs, she had read my story in a Christian newspaper, prayed to Jesus to set her free, and was delivered right there and then from addiction.

I am convinced that He will do it again!…

… and again and again.

It is purely & simply just who King Jesus is.

In my posts you it is likely that you will quickly find a that I have a strong leaning toward the prophetic. It is just who I am, and who I have always been- a simple human who hears God’s voice. The ability to hear Him started when I was 4 years old, the night I invited Jesus into my heart. He showed me His face, His love & His warmth, & I heard His voice, as a child, and He has never stopped speaking to me, even when I was bound in darkness & sin. He still spoke to me, & I am without any shadow of doubt, alive today because His voice remained faithful when I could not.

Having studied as a dietitian, I have a passion for healthy & nourishing foods. You can see some of my creations on Instagram at Blest Foods Co.

And I’ll share my journey of going through healing, & regaining health & fitness after having 8 babies in my husband Stuart’s my first 9 years of marriage.

Being the mama of nine incredible people, I’ve also come up with systems and found ideas that have helped me with what I call ‘the ministry of the home.’

The thing about ministry is, it gets messy even when it is rewarding, so I felt it was a highly suitable name for the service of being a keeper of the home.

‘…Where no oxen are, the manager is clean, but much increase comes from the strength of the ox…” Proverbs 14:4

I’ve found this verse applies to both ministry & home…

I also have an Instagram page devoted to the things of the home – The Blest Home Co- which you can view here.

There are some links amongst my posts that to resources & ministries that I personally recommend, and there will be regular YouTube content uploaded, where I will share prophetically, sometimes ministering, along with cooking demonstrations, interviews, home management hacks & whatever else I’m feeling inspired to share… within reason.

My husband of 16 years, Stuart, & myself are also entrepreneurial folk, & have several enterprises, a few in the pipelines, with our main focus currently being our family business- Threadgold Architecture & Construction, focusing on solar passive & energy efficient housing & commercial solutions with bases in Australia, New Zealand, Hawaii & Dallas. You can see our website here.

As you read you will find snippets of stories about the God who parted the Red Sea moving us from Australia to the US of A during lockdowns & assisting us as we travelled to Canada and back twice from Texas to secure our visas- by car! And the journey of grief that God brought me through after losing my nan, younger brother and precious mum within the first 6 months of being in the U.S. Only Jesus has the balm for such wounds.

I pray that this space will become a home of rich fellowship and soul blessing for you. I’m so glad you are here, & I would love to see your comments & messages brightening up the place.

Please reach out & connect with me on my social media accounts, and you feel you’d like to send me a prayer request or have me speak & minster at your group please contact me here.

You are a treasure to me and to the Lord. Thanks for walking this journey with me.



Food Security- 8 Ways to Prepare for Potential Food Shortages

Have you heard talk lately of potential food shortages?

In recent times, the concern around food shortages has become more prevalent.

If you are in USA you know that there now tariff wars and import/ export conflicts playing out.

For us, as a family of 11, experiencing food limits and supply chain issues in COVID-locked-down Australia, there were days I could have become very concerend about whether we would be able to access the food our large family needed. The reason I wasn’t overly stressed was that I had a store of food in my pantry & freezers, some chickens in the yard and a vegetable garden.

This took that extra stress out of the uncertainity of what happening in our nation & the world.

With economic inflation & rumors of food shortages, you can also relieve some of that stress and pressure from your mind, and with thoughtful preparation, you can ensure your household is ready to face whatever may come.

You may have already started preparing your home to be more self-reliant when it comes to food, or you maybe you have no idea where to start.

To help you wherever you are in your journey to food security I have compiled eight practical tips to help you prepare and survive food shortages using backyard gardens, effective food storage, networking concepts and even backyard chickens.

Here we go…

1. Start a Backyard Garden

A backyard garden is a sustainable way to supplement your food supply. My encouragement would be to start with the foods you regularly eat, and look up your garden zone for what you can grow in your area at certain times of year.

Websites like www.gardenate.com can be used all around the world to find out the best planting times for where you live.

Here are some steps to get started:

  • Plan Your Space: Use raised beds or containers if space is limited. Vertical gardening is an effective way to grow more food in smaller spaces. You can grow anything from cucumbers, tomatoes, even melons using vertical gardening. As melons mature, you can use empty net bags, that produce like mandarins and avocados are purchased in, to create a support hammock for the melons as they mature. Old stockings are also a great option, especially for heavier produce.
  • Ensure your plants receive adequate sunlight and water.
  • Compost for Fertility: Start a compost pile to enrich your garden soil naturally. You can buy compact composters like this one, realtively cheap.

Examples of vertical gardening



Examples of container gardening

Here are links to find similar options for container gardening-

30 Gallon Heavy Grow Bags– great for potatoes, and can be used for any other crops.

5 Tier Stackable Growing Tower– often used for strawberries, herbs & lettuce crops

Galvanized Raised Garden Bed with Vertical Growing Trellis- great if you have limited space or you are wnating to grow more food in your yard.

Outdoor Gardens 8 ft Raised Wood Beds- I love the way these look, a simple garden growing box for your yard.

3 Tier Vertical Garden Planter– great for any greens, tomatoes, berries, herbs and smaller sized crops

Large Window Mini Greenhouse 6ft– a great option if you have animals of frosts that may destroy your crops.

Raised Elevated Wood Planter– good for balconies and porches

and these are some of my favorites for backyard gardens- I love the aesthetic of these Outdoor Metal Raised Garden Beds.

I want to also note- we use, and strongly encourage everyone to use, non-GMO heirloom seeds to grow produce. These seeds have not been changed from their natural state, and being heirloom varieties it means they will produce seeds that can be used for generations. You can source them here (if you live in the USA) & here if you live in Australia.

One of my favorite places to get heirloom seeds is Azure Standard, where you can also buy bulk foods, health prodcuts, and don’t forget to check out their clearance section.


2. Raise Chickens

Chickens are a fantastic addition to a self-sufficient lifestyle. They provide a steady supply of fresh eggs and can help with pest control in your garden, they eat your leftovers and make great pets.

  • Check Local Regulations: Ensure you are allowed to keep chickens in your area, many counties in the US allow 4 chickens per household, but no roosters.
  • Feed and Care: Ensure a balanced diet and regular vet check-ups for healthy chickens. Try giving them your meat, grain & produce scraps (no onion, tomatoes or potatoes), and add a protein and grain source to their diet to help with egg production. This is great option for your chickens feed, and for all the homeschool moms or bug enthusitists out there you might want to look into starting your own meal worm farm. I will be blogging on how to do this later this month.
  • Provide them with a Coop: Chickens need a safe and comfortable home for your chickens with enough space for them to roam. Their shelters need to be predator proof- depending where you live, you may need stronger shelter.                                                                                                                                                                                                           If you don’t want build a shelter, you might like to use a shelter that we as a family love and use. The Eglu coop is weather and predator proof, easy to clean and use, and you can add the option of an automatic door. See a green Eglu coop, which we have used with great success, pictured below.
  • Silkie are a great backyard option for keeping chickens. They are small, not flighty or loud and very docile. They lay most of the year, tolerate heat and cold well, and they only have 3 claws, so it is difficult for them to cause any real damage to your grass or landscapes.






3. Invest in Food Storage

Proper food storage is essential to extend the shelf life of your supplies. Consider the following methods:

  • Canning and Preserving: Learn how to can fruits, vegetables, and meats. This method preserves nutrients and prevents spoilage. There are countless YouTube videos teaching people how to master the age old art of food canning.

It’s easy to get started with this canning kit, and you can purchase canning jars from most Walmart and Kroger stores, and sometimes even on your local online Marketplace.

  • Freezing: Utilize a freezer to store perishable items. Vacuum-sealing can further prevent freezer burn.
  • Drying and Dehydrating: Dehydrate fruits, vegetables, and herbs to create lightweight, long-lasting food. Our prefered food dehydrator is the Excalibur. I use our Thermomix Kitchen machine to blend up fruits and then use our dehydrator to make fruit leather.

Here are some fruits we dehydrated in our Excalibur dehydrator (pictured below), on my Blest Foods Instagram page.

4. Build a Pantry

A well-stocked pantry is crucial during food shortages. Here’s how to create one:

  • Stock Up on Staples: Keep a supply of grains, beans, pasta, and canned goods. We get some of our store foods from Azure Standard, they have many bulk foods and items used for food preservation. We also buy tubs of dried food from Augason Farms- we keep their powdered butter, dried whole powdered eggs, breakfast foods bucket in our store. and these dried strawberries are a favorite amongst our children. They love them dry, or we add a little water and they become soft again.
  • Rotate Your Stock: Use the first-in, first-out method to ensure nothing goes bad.
  • Include Variety: Add spices and sauces to maintain a varied and enjoyable diet, and oil.


5. Learn Basic Cooking Skills

Cooking from scratch ensures you can make the most of your supplies. Consider these skills:

  • Bread Baking: Learn to bake simple bread, which can be a staple during shortages.

Many people are embracing the joy and health benefits of homemade sourdough. It’s easy to get started, or if you are wanting to fast track the process, or even feel a little intimidated.                you can buy sourdough starter here. With a gluten free option available too. (you can also follow one of my most loved accounts on Instagram- Jillian Margaret Wellness. You’ll find lots of health giving and sourdough recipes here.

  • Preserve with Pickling: Pickling extends the life of your produce while adding flavor.
  • Soup and Stews: Mastering these can help you make the most of available ingredients, ad can usually be built from whatever is on your store.

6. Water Storage & Purification

  • Harvesting rainwater is a great way to save money and have a self- sustainable water source on hand. This can be done by connecting gutters to a down pipe that hne flows into either a large tank, or into water catchment barrels. Make sure you have a way to purify this water before using it for consumption, it can also be great way to have water for your animals, and to give to your gardens.
  • Water storage- it is quite common to see food grade 24 gallon barrels for sale on Marketplace, and these can be a very economical way to store water for use in an emergency. Find a cool place ot store them, fill them with water and seal them, for when you need them.
  • Water Purification- if you really get stuck needing water and have to collect water from a spring, lake, river or natural source, having methods of purification can be invaluable, adn there are so many on teh market to choose from. After research we have gone for 2 options. Firstly, LifeStraws– we have one for each member of our family, and a few spares. They are lightweight, easy to carry and use, as well as being reasonably priced. The seond is water purification tablets- we have several bottles of these tablets. ANother lightweight adn easy to use option.
  • Accessing Water. If water becomes hard to locate one tool that might just get you ot of an emergency is a Sillcock Tap Key. These small tools are good to have in your car or in your rucksack. You can use them to open water faucets and sources that are unable to be used, such as handless taps in public places.

7. Network and Share

Community connections can provide support and resources:

  • Trade and Share: Exchange surplus produce and eggs with neighbors.
  • Community Gardens: Participate in or start a community garden to increase food production.
  • Find local farmers to support and purchase from.
  • Skill Sharing: Learn from others and share your own knowledge about gardening and food preservation.

8. Stay Informed

Being informed helps in making timely decisions:

  • Follow News and Trends: Stay updated on local and global food supply trends.
  • Educational Resources: Attend workshops or read books on sustainable living and self-sufficiency.
  • Emergency Preparedness Plans: Have a plan for potential emergencies, including food shortages.

By applying these tips, you can create a resilient lifestyle capable of withstanding the uncertainties of food shortages. Your efforts will not only provide sustenance but also foster a sense of security and peace of mind.

Top 5 Crypto Scams & How to Get Started in Crypto

Don’t get Scammed Out of Your Crypto

Right now we are at a very unique time in history where people can make very pretty profits as crytpo is fastly emerging as one of the main currencues for future use in banking systems, governments and even for the everyday Joe.
Om March 2nd US President Donald Trump announced that certain crytpo currencies would become part of a strateig reserve currency.
Friends, we are at the forefront of a once in a lifetime opprutniy, one that many prophetic voices and financial strategistic analysts have been talking about. Crypto is fast becoming the future of finance.
You may be looking to invest in cryptocurrencies and becoming one of the first to profit from this upcoming digital world of wealth.
Or perhaps you are just curious about this buzz word that’s been popping up in social media feeds and news sources recently.
Whichever position you’re in right now, I’ve got some important information for you.
While the world of crypto can be exciting and lucrative, it’s also, just as in other areas of finance, filled with ruthless scammers wanting to snatch your crytpo-stash.
From fake YouTube videos to phising schemes, I am going to run through the top 5 cryptocurrency theft scams so you can avoid and identify them.
It is my hope to help you navigate this new world of finance, so you can come out with profits, not losses.

Knowledge is key- What you need to know about Crypto Scams

Knowledge is key, my friends, and it’s vital to arm yourself with information to protect your wealth.
For all the believers out there, you have probably heard of the Bible verse that warns us “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” Hosea 4:6
By familiarizing yourself with these scams, you’ll be able to spot the warning signs and protect yourself from potential danger.
Next, always do your due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency. Research the project.
Look for red flags such as promises of unrealistic returns, or an absence of transparency.
Remember, if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
And for you who are believers, at the forefront of everything- pray, listen and wait for the Lord of Heaven to guide you.
Always be cautious of unsolicited messages or emails from unknown individuals or platforms.
Scammers often use these methods to gain your trust and trick you into sharing your personal information or giving access to your crypto wallet.
NEVER, EVER share your private keys or seed phrases with anyone, no matter how legitimate they may seem.
Avoid looking up wallets that are not yours. Some scammers will pretend to be naive, giving you there seeding phrases. If you see this simply ignore them, and do not engage.
And as much as it’s fun to be part of the cyrtpo community, avoid answering questionnaires and polls asking how much crypto you own.
Lastly, take advantage of the security features provided by cryptocurrency exchanges and wallets.
I would encourage everyone to educate yourself.
This is a whole new world for most people, and I found doing a course was one of the best investments I have made in my crypto journey.
A very affordable course that I highly recommend is My DefiGuru’s Absolute Beginner’s Crytpo Course.
It teaches you all the basics of beginning in Crypto, and gives you more information on avoiding scams, and even gives you guided tour on setting up your first trading account.
Click here to access My DefiGuru’s Absolute Beginner’s Crytpo Course for just USD$59, for lifetime access.
One very important thing you will learn about how to, use hard wallets to store your coins offline, and regularly update your software to ensure you’re protected against the latest threats.
Our favorite cold wallet storage is Tangem.
It is secure, easy to use, affordable & one of my favorite things about this cold wallet- it looks sleek.
Click here to check out Tangem & get 10% off your first purchase.
There are links ont eh website showing you how to transfer your assests onto the wallets.
Remember, in the world of cryptocurrencies, vigilance is everything.
Stay informed, stay cautious, and don’t let those scammers negatively impact your crypto journey.
Keep this in mind, and you’ll be well-prepared to dodge these top 5 cryptocurrency theft scams.
Now it’s time to dive into the first of our top 5 cryptocurrency theft scams:

1. Phishing attack scams

These sneaky scams rely on tricking you into revealing your sensitive information, such as your login credentials or private keys.
Phishing attacks can take many forms, such as fake websites that mimic legitimate cryptocurrency exchanges or wallets. They may send you emails or messages that appear to be from a trusted source, asking you to provide your personal details or click on suspicious links.
To avoid falling victim to phishing attacks, always double-check the URL of the website you’re visiting. Make sure it’s the official website and not a cleverly crafted fake one. Be skeptical of any unsolicited messages or emails, especially if they’re asking for your sensitive information.
Remember, a reputable cryptocurrency exchange or wallet provider will never ask for your private keys or seed phrases. Stay vigilant, my friends, and don’t let those phishing scammers reel you in.
You can go to phishing.com to see examples, and learn more.

2. Ponzi schemes


These schemes promise high returns on investment, luring unsuspecting individuals into parting with their hard-earned cryptocurrency. The way Ponzi schemes work is by using the funds from new investors to pay out the profits promised to earlier investors. This creates an illusion of a successful venture and entices more people to join.
One key red flag to watch out for is excessively high guaranteed returns or dividends that seem too good to be true.
Always do thorough research on any investment opportunity and verify the legitimacy of the company or individual offering it.
To protect yourself, never invest more than you can afford to lose and be wary of pressure tactics to invest quickly. If something feels off or you suspect you may be dealing with a Ponzi scheme, trust your instinct and stay away. Don’t let greed cloud your judgment and fall victim to these elaborate scams. Stay tuned as we reveal the remaining scams to be aware of in our next blog section.

3. Fake ICOs

Fake Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs. As the popularity of cryptocurrencies
has grown, so has the number of ICOs. These fundraising methods allow startups to raise funds by selling their own digital tokens or cryptocurrencies. While many ICOs are legitimate, there are also plenty of fraudulent ones to beware of.
Fake ICOs often use deceptive marketing tactics to attract investors. They may promise revolutionary products or services with huge potential returns. However, these promises are often empty and designed to dupe unsuspecting individuals into sending their hard-earned cryptocurrencies.
To protect yourself from fake ICOs, it’s important to do thorough research on the project and the team behind it. Look for red flags such as lack of transparency, unrealistic promises, or vague project details. Additionally, make sure to verify the credibility of the company or individual promoting the ICO.
Remember, investing in ICOs carries inherent risks, so it’s essential to exercise caution and only invest what you can afford to lose. Don’t be swayed by hype and always trust your instincts. Stay tuned for more cryptocurrency theft scams to dodge in our next blog section.

4. Malware and ransomware

Moving on to the next cryptocurrency theft scam, we have malware and ransomware attacks. These malicious software programs are designed by cybercriminals to gain unauthorized access to your computer or mobile device and steal your cryptocurrencies.
Malware can be spread through infected email attachments, fake software downloads, or even by visiting compromised websites. Once installed, it can give hackers remote control over your device, allowing them to steal your private keys or login credentials to your cryptocurrency wallets.
Ransomware, on the other hand, encrypts your files and holds them hostage until you pay a ransom in cryptocurrencies to the attacker. Even if you pay the ransom, there is no guarantee that you will regain access to your files.
To protect yourself from malware and ransomware, it’s important to practice good cybersecurity hygiene. Use reputable antivirus software, keep your operating system and applications updated, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or downloading unknown software.
Remember, prevention is key when it comes to avoiding cryptocurrency theft scams. Stay vigilant and stay informed. Stay tuned for the final section of our blog, where we will discuss the top cryptocurrency theft scam to dodge.

5. Airdrop or Giveaway Scams

Recently there has been a surge in deep fake/ scam vidoes via advertisements on Youtube and X platforms. These ads ask for an “airdrop” of the cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Solana and XRP, featuring company SEO’s like Brad Garlinghouse, Anatoly Yakovenko, Vitalik Buterin etc. explaining how people can receive crypto coins for free if they just send a particular crypto wallet some of their own crypto first. THIS IS A SCAM, using previous footage, or deep fake AI technlogy to make it look like crypto CEO’s and “interviewers” are saying things they never actually said.
In November 2023, Brad Garlinghouse himself confirmed via a post tweeted on X that these posts and ads are scams.
He is quoted saying-
“There’s been an uptick in deepfake scam videos overlaying new words with old video footage from Ripple’s events. Reminder: don’t trust, verify.”
Below is an example of a giveaway scam video, and during Youtube vidoes, there can be ads that take you to a scam site if you click on them.
It is important to note: XRP/ Ripple DOES NOT HAVE A YOUTUBE CHANNEL.
Scammers often will set up fake channels using the names Ripple or XRPThese scammer channels will often have 100,000’s, somtimes millions of followers.
Do not send your crypto assests to ANYONE.
Sometimes you will also find that scammers will impersonate people who share on YouTube on social media via messaging platforms and Whatsapp asking you to send crtypt so they can up-trade it for you.
Again, do not send your crypto assests to ANYONE, or share your 12 phrase seed phrases or logins with anyone.
With crypto , and any financial assest, always err on the side of caution.

It’s Simple- Stay alert, stay safe!

Other attacks involve the scammer posing as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange or wallet provider and sending out emails or messages that appear to be from these trusted sources. They’ll ask you to provide your login credentials or sensitive information, such as your private keys or recovery phrases.
Once they have this information, they can access your account and steal your cryptocurrency without you even knowing. It’s a downright dirty tactic, but unfortunately, it’s all too common in the world of cryptocurrencies.
To protect yourself from phishing attacks, always be cautious about the emails or messages you receive, especially if they’re unsolicited. Check the sender’s email address or the URL of the website to ensure it matches the official domain. Never click on suspicious links or download attachments from unknown sources.
Remember, the easiest way to avoid falling victim to phishing attacks is to be vigilant and trust your instincts. If something feels off or doesn’t seem right, it’s better to be safe than sorry. Stay tuned for the next section, where we’ll discuss the final cryptocurrency theft scam that you need to be aware of.
Crypot is a new and developing technolgoy and so it can be an overwhelming and risky path to take finacially, but if you stay informed, prudent & look out for the scams above you can navigate this new and exciting world, and make profits.
I believe the greatest protection we can have is it be patient, prayerful and lead by God, as opposed to pushed by fear or even greed.
Look out for more crypto blog post here and on my social media by following, and until then, take care and stay crypto- safe!